Pack Size : 1 ltr, 500 ml, 250 ml, 100 ml.
Class : Fungicide
Directions of Use : Add recommended dose in small amount of water, stir well with a wooden stick, after mixing add remaining amount of recommended water, continuous agitation is required. Spray the solution uniformly covering entire foliage of the crop with Knapsack Sprayer.

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CROP MAJOR PEST Dosage/ HA Dilution in Water 
Waiting Period
Blast disease
300 A.I (gm),
750 Formulation (ml)


Product Features

  • Better control of blast in both protective and curative stages with systemic fungicide.
  • Better control of all three stages of blast: leaf, node, and neck blast.
  • Helps in improving the quality of rice meant for export.
  • Provides long-duration control.

Time of application

  • It can be applied as preventive fungicide or at very begning of the disease, ETL 3-5 lesions /leaf. Second spray is recommended after 10-15 days depending upon disease incidence.

Mode of Action

  • Isoprothiolane functions by inhibiting sterol biosynthesis, which disrupts fungal cell membranes, impeding mycelial growth and preventing the spread of fungi. It also prevents spore germination, thereby reducing infection rates. With both systemic and protective actions, isoprothiolane provides internal and external protection to plants, making it effective against various fungal diseases, particularly in crops like rice.