(Kresoxim – Methyl 15 % + Chlorothalonil 56 % WG)

Kresoxim – Methyl 15 % + Chlorothalonil 56 % WG
Pack Size : 100 GM, 250 GM, 500 GM, 1 KG
Class : Fungicides
Directions of Use : Add recommended dose in small amount of water, stir well with a wooden stick, after mixing add remaining amount of recommended water, continuous agitation is required. Spray the solution uniformly covering entire foliage of the crop with Knapsack Sprayer.
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CROP MAJOR PEST Dosage/ HA Dilution in Water 
Waiting Period
Chilli Powdery mildew Leaf spot


Kresoxim methyl- 150 A.I (gm) and
Chlorothalonil- 560 A.I (gm)
1000 Formulation (g)
500 L/h 5
Potato Early blight & Late blight
Kresoxim methyl-
150 A.I (gm) and Chlorothalonil- 560 A.I (gm) 1000 Formulation (g)
500 L/h 23


Product Features

  • DAIKO is a combination of two molecules which has meso systemic & multi-site mode of action which controls multiple disease in different crop.
  • DAIKO prevents spores of pathogenic fungi from germination due to which it stops new germination of fungi.
  • DAIKO works as systemic and contact fungicide which control diseases after infestation and also a great solution for prevention of diseases.
  • Daiko has translaminar activity that gives control on disease which are under side of the leaf.
  • DAIKO remains in plant for longer time which gives better long duration control than other fungicides.
  • DAIKO makes dark green colored, healthy leaves which ultimately increase yield.

Time of application

  • Spray the Daiko before the appearance of disease or at disease initiation. Repeat the applications at 7-12 days interval depending on climatic conditions and disease severity.

Mode of Action

  • Daiko is a new fungicide from the strobilurin group of chemicals. The biochemical mode of action is by inhibition of electron transport in the mitochondria of fungal cells, thus preventing the formation of ATP which is necessary for the normal metabolic processes of the fungus.