(Halosulfuron Methyl 75% WG


Halosulfuron Methyl 75% WG

Pack Size : 36 GM
Class : Herbicide
Directions of Use : Add recommended dose in small amount of water, stir well with a wooden stick after mixing add remaining amount of recommended water, continuous agitation is required. Apply the solution evenly using a flat fan nozzle . Ensure the application is made during active weed growth and avoid spraying if rain is expected within 6-8 hours.

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CROP MAJOR PEST Dosage/ HA Dilution in Water 
Waiting Period
Cyperus rotundus L.
60-67.5 A.I (gm)
80-90 Formulation (g)
375 L/h 294
Cyperus rotundus L. Cyperus iria L.
67.5 A.I (gm)
90 Formulation (g)
500 L/h 311
Bottle gourd
Cyperus rotundus L. Cyperus iria L.
67.5 A.I (gm)
90 Formulation (g)
500 L/h 311


Product Features

  • GRIMA provides great control of Cyperus Rotundus at 36 gm/acre.
  • GRIMA blocks nutrient uptake by Cyperus Rotundus within 24 hrs of application.
  • GRIMA does not harm the crop of Sugarcane & Maize.
  • GRIMA gives freedom from repeated manual weeding which leads to saving manual labour cost in herbicides application.
  • GRIMA results in more yield hence more profits as Cyperus Rotundus can reduce 7-12% crop yield.
  • GRIMA is complete solution for Cyperus Rotundus that kills from nuts.

Time of application

  • When weeds, such as Cyperus rotundus, are in the 2-4 leaf stage for best results

Mode of Action

  • It inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS), the first enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of essential branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine). Inhibition of ALS leads to a deficiency of these amino acids in the plant (Cyperus rotundus), resulting in the death of the weed.