(Pymetrozine 50%WG)

Pymetrozine 50%WG
Pack Size : 120g, 250g, 500g and 1Kg
Class : Insecticides
Directions of Use :
  • Uniform foliar spray ensuring full coverage.
  • Best time of application is early morning or late evening.
  • Spray should be given covering border area first (from outside to inside) to avoid the escape of hopper.
  • Spray should be directed towards the base of the plant.
Categories: ,
Crop Pests CIB Dose ml/ha Dilution in Water (L/ha)
Paddy Brown Plant Hopper 300 g 200 litre water


Product Benefits:

  • New Chemistry: Excellent control of resistant plant hoppers.
  • Unique mode of action: Starves nymph and adults to death and limits the next generation.
  • Translaminar and Systemic Activity: Rapidly translocated to the plant base and easily target the pest.
  • Long Lasting Protection: When used at the right stage of the crop i.e. at the panicle initiation stage (55-60 DAT).
  • Good Rainfastness: Quickly absorbed by the plant tissue, remain effective even if it rains 2 hours after Hopmaar application.


Effect on BPH:

  • Stylet blocker: mouthparts gets blocked, no sucking and feeding stop permanently.
  • Paralaysis of plant hopper : paralysis of hind leg, not able to move, falling off from the plants or predation by natural enemies.
  • Prevention of egg laying in adults, so no hopper resurgence or stops BPH Population explosion.


  • First symptoms are visible after 15 minutes. Insects withdraw their stylet and stop feeding within 1 hour. Hoppers do not feed again but remain on the plant leaf for several days and die by way of starvation.


  • The best timing of spray is at the early booting stage when BPH population reaches at ETL i.e 8-10 hoppers/hill


  • Uniform foliar spray ensuring full coverage
  • Maintain agitation while spraying to get best results
  • There should be an interval of at least 10-15 days between the 1st and the 2nd spray
  • Spray should not be done more than twice in any crop
  • Wear safety equipment’s such as gloves, aprons, masks, etc.
  • Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying
  • Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin
  • Avoid inhalation the spray mist, fog and vapors
  • Take bath properly after application
  • Antidote – No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically