(Imazethapyr 10% SL)

Imazethapyr 10% SL
Pack Size : 5 Ltr/1 Ltr/500 ml/250 ml bottle
Class : herbicides
Directions of Use : Applied early post emergence. Mix recommended quantity of Pesticide and Water, stir thoroughly with rod or stick. Spray uniformly with Knapsack or Foot Sprayer fitted with flat fan nozzle.
Categories: ,
Crop Weed CIB DOSE / Ha Water volume litre/ha
Soybean Cyperus difformis 1 ltr 500-600
Echinochloa colonum
E. crusgalli
Euphorbia hirta
Croton sperrsifeorus,
Digera arvensis,
Commelina benghalensis
Groundnut Cyperus difformis 1 – 1.5 ltr 500-700
Commelina benghalensis
Trianthema portulacasturm,
Eragrostis pilosa