(Propaquizafop 10% EC)

Propaquizafop 10% EC
Pack Size : 100 ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1L
Class : Herbicides
Directions of Use : Take 1/4th amount of given water and add recommended quantity of Row-Lock and stir the solution well with a stick or rod. Add this solution with the remaining quantity of recommended water and spray with Knapsack sprayer fitted with flat fan nozzle.
Categories: ,
Crop Weeds CIB Dose ml/ha Dilution in Water (L/ha)
Soybean Echinochloa colonum, 500-750 ml 500-750
Echinochola crusgalli,
Digiteria sanguinalis,
Dactyloctenium eigyptium,
Eleucine  indica
Blackgram Echinochloa colonum, 750-1000 ml 500-750
Echinochola crusgalli,
Digiteria sanguinalis,
Dactyloctenium eigyptium,
Eleucine  indica
Onion Echinochloa colonum, 625 ml 500
Digiteria sanguinalis,
Dactyloctenium eigyptium,
Phalaris minor


  • Post Emergence systemic herbicide.
  • Provides control of a broad range of annual and Perennial grasses.
  • Quickly absorbed by leaves and translocated from the foliage to the growing points of the leaves and roots of the sprayed weeds.
  • Rain fastness of 1 hour.


  • It is a systemic herbicide, which is quickly absorbed by the leaves and roots of the sprayed weeds. This herbicide inhibits the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase), Which catalyzes the first step in fatty acid synthesis and is important for membrane synthesis.


  • Row-Lock is recommended as post emergence when grassy weeds attend 2-3 inch height.


  • Do not spray during Foggy climate and in early morning.
  • There must be proper moisture in the field.
  • Surfactant not to be added when used in the Transplanted Rice Crop.
  • Precaution: Controller not to be used if any broad leaf crop like Mustard, Sunflower, Pea etc. is intercropped with wheat.
  • Wear safety equipment’s such as gloves, aprons, masks, etc.
  • Spray in the direction of wind.
  • Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying.
  • Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin.
  • Avoid inhalation the spray mist, fog and vapors
  • Take bath properly after application
  • Antidote – No specific antidote.